270. | Kippensoep Chicken soup |
€ | 6,00 |
271. | Tomatensoep Tomato soup |
€ | 6,00 |
272. | Loempia met Kip Egg roll with chicken and bean sprouts |
€ | 7,50 |
273. | Nasi of Bami Goreng Met 3 stokjes Ajam of Babi saté Fried rice or noodles with 3 skewers of pork or chicken satays |
€ | 17,00 |
274. | Tjap Tjoy Verschillende groenten met kipfilet Mixed vegetables with chicken fillet |
€ | 16,50 |
275. | Babi Pangang Mager varkensvlees in vruchtensaus Fried pork in fruity sauce |
€ | 18,50 |
276. | Goeloe Yuk Gebakken varkensvlees balletjes in deeg met vruchten in zoetzure saus Deep-fried pork with fruits in sweet and sour sauce |
€ | 17,50 |
277. | Foe Yong Hai Kip of Vlees Omelet met kipfilet of varkensvlees in tomatensaus Omelette with pork or chicken in tomato sauce |
€ | 16,00 |